Cool Stuff about Zenbio
Here are some fun things that we thought you might enjoy looking at! Have fun!
ZenBio Provides Support to Local and National Charities
Every year we select one or two organizations to support. Listed below are some that we think are doing great work.
- The Masonic Home for Children Oxford - MHCO exists for one purpose - to help children who need a stable, caring and loving home. We do not replace a family - we provide. We teach, guide, nurture, and share, focusing on life both at and after MHCO, so we can help a child determine his or her own path for the future. Our state licensed and nationally accredited home uses a family-living model that provides our children with individual living spaces, essentials needed for daily living, support if they have special needs, and a promise for full development and learning, from infant to young adulthood.
- Cristo Rey Research Triangle High School - The Cristo Rey Network of high schools delivers a career focused, college preparatory education in the Catholic tradition for students with limited economic resources, uniquely integrating rigorous academic curricula with four years of professional work experience and support to and through college. We partner with educators, businesses and communities to enable students to fulfill their aspirations for a lifetime of success.
- Triangle Ecycling - We pick up and sell computers all over the country, but our mission is local: to Make Durham Smarter, Cleaner and More Equitable is often achieved through giving. We give to our customers, community, local school system, nonprofits and environment with an appreciation for the connectedness of all humanity, and the Earth.
- We support the > Carolina Theater of Durham
- NCSU's Master of Microbial Biotechnology (MMB) program is a unique blend of science and business education with practical training in the biotechnology industry. ZenBio is a strong supporter of the MMB program including being an industry partner for the MMB/industry practicum.
- LIFE SKILLS FOUNDATION - LIFE Skills provides youth ages 16-24 with the housing, independent living skills, counseling and wrap around supports they need to become successful adults.
- Made in Durham Made in Durham is a public-private partnership committed to ensuring all Durham youth and young adults complete a postsecondary credential and begin a rewarding career by the age of 25. Partners are committed to helping youth and young adults, ages 14-24 navigate through education and into work – an education-to-career system.
- Women in Biotech (WIB) Women In Bio is an organization of professionals committed to promoting careers, leadership, and entrepreneurship of women in the life sciences.
- Lupus Foundation of America, Inc (LFA) is the foremost national nonprofit health organization dedicated to finding the causes of and cure for lupus and providing support, services and hope to all people affected by lupus.
- Kramden Institute - Providing Computers to Less Advantaged Students
- Tammy Lynn Center - Founded in 1969, the Tammy Lynn Center for Developmental Disabilities provides educational, residential, therapeutic and family support services to children and adults with special needs
- North Carolina Association for BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH (NCABR) - The mission of the North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research is to promote public understanding and support for bioscience research.
- Linus Pauling Biotech Symposium - The goal is to build a bridge between academia, government and industry, and to mix good business with exciting science globally.
- Being Healthy Counts to H.I.M. - Diabetes Prevention In Underserved Communities
- Susan G. Komen - Breast Cancer Research Foundation

ZenBio provides more cowbell more often!
This is one of our favorite SNL clips. We've got a fever, and the only prescription is More Cowbell.