ZenComplete™: Inhibition of Adipogenesis Assays
The lipid accumulation assays provide the tools to study the compounds that inhibit cultured human adipocyte differentiation or lipogenesis. Such compounds may useful in the treatment of obesity. Our assays measure the ability of a compound to block lipid accumulation in cells treated with PPAR agonists and glucocorticoid. Assays include the inhibition of lipid accumulation after proscribed periods of time in culture, with and without compounds of interest.
Lipid Accumulation
Our inhibition of lipid accumulation assays examine the ability of compounds to inhibit lipid accumulation in cells that are in the process of differentiating from preadipocytes to adipocytes. Cultured preadipocytes will be incubated in the presence of differentiation medium and test compound. Under these culture conditions and in the presence of an effective test compound there should be a substantial decrease in the amount of lipid accumulation when compared to controls. Researchers have a choice between acute and chronic treatments with compound
The assay involves complete lysis of the cells. Triglyceride is converted to glycerol and free fatty acids and the glycerol concentration is measured.
- Positive control: PPAR Gamma agonist (10µM) or Dexamethasone (1µM)
- Negative control: PPAR Gamma agonist (10µM) or Dexamethasone (1µM) + TNFa (5ng/ml)

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